truck driver retirement age

Truck Drivers Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is crucial for everyone, but it is especially important for truck drivers who face unique challenges in their profession. The trucking industry presents its own set of hurdles when it comes to ensuring a comfortable and financially secure retirement. Knowing the available options for retirement plans and understanding the factors that may affect…

Trucking Detention 101

Trucking Detention 101

Trucking detention refers to the delays that commercial drivers may encounter while awaiting loading or unloading of their freight beyond the pre-established grace period. This regulation seeks to respect the driver’s time, balancing the need for efficient logistics with fair compensation for the driver. In the world of logistics and freight, detention is an integral…

Can Truck Drivers Carry Guns

Can Truck Drivers Carry Guns?

The question of whether truck drivers can carry guns is a complex one, with a variety of factors to consider. While there is no federal law specifically prohibiting truck drivers from carrying firearms, individual state laws and regulations, as well as trucking company policies, can determine whether or not a driver is allowed to have…